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The  mission of the Timothy Project GiG is 

"to share the gospel and love of Christ with people of diverse cultures and to facilitate their development as totally devoted followers of Christ. "​




​​In the Beginning

Timothy Project was founded in 1985 as an Illinois 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization by the beloved Wheaton College (IL) football/track coach and professor  Donald A. Church. In 2008, with the retirement of Don Church, the current Board took responsibility to carry out Timothy Project's mission.​




Diversity and Oneness in Christ

 Timothy Project GIG's mission is reflected by the diversity of our current Board/Advisory Council, including one Ethiopian, one Kenyan, five Ethiopian-Americans, one Eritrean-American, one African-American, one Caucasian-American, and one Asian-American. Our Advisory Council helps the Board guide and drive our Gigs for the Lord. Our organization is completely volunteer with no paid staff.  Board and Advisory Council members include pastors, cross-cultural missionaries, a college professor, trade-school instructor, banker, chef, international trade specialist, Bible production leader, and small business executive. We are also grateful for all our community partners who help with events and support our projects.

Don Church.jfif

Contact us:

text: 630-885-8627



Send Support:

Check Payable to Timothy Project GiG

P.O. BOX 480 WHEATON, IL 60187

Give online

Our fiscal agent

Faith and Learning International

is ECFA Accredited

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