Timothy Project GiG

God is Good!
since 1985
Sharing the Gospel and Love of Christ with People of Diverse Cultures
"But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless." (Ps 10:14)
from Pastor Temesghen

from Sister Saba
from Tesfai

November 2024

Nov 29, 2024
We had a good meeting with Nebelet officials. We had two members of Alula's Dream Foundation from Chicago with us. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.
Oct 1, 2024
We had an amazing training in Mekele: bank managers, World Vision director, business people, pastors, University Teachers and youth leaders attended the training.
Nov 20, 2023
From Ayder Hospital and Mekelle University where we did trauma healing training and we also sponsor students monthly. Praise God they graduated a few days ago. Thank you for all your prayers supports love and care toward those precious girls. Thank you thank you everyone please keep praying for everyone of them.
Tesfai's team in Nebelet, Tigray.

Board member Emmanuel Tahear led the training.

Girls whose education was interrupted by the war were able to graduate!

Meet the Timothy Project GiG Team

Tesfai Abay
Board Member
President. Abay Cleaning Services and leader of the Tigray community in Chicago, IL.

Tesfu Beraki
Advisory Council
Vice President of
Maezer Semay, a 24/7 gospel satellite TV ministry in Dallas, TX.

Temesghen G'hiwot
Advisory Council
Pastor and leader of the
Kale Hiwot Church in Tigray, Ethiopia.

Teame Haddis
Advisory Council
Retired engineer and missionary leader with the Global Allance of Tegaru Evangelical Christians in the California Bay Area.

Alice Ruhiu
Advisory Council
Production Consultant
United Bible Societies Africa Publishing Unit, Nairobi Kenya

Emmanuel Tahear
Board Member
SIM Cross-Cultural Missionary and pastoral staff of College Church, Wheaton, IL

Saba Tewolde
Advisory Council
Ethiopian chef, elderly caregiver, and Tigray ministry leader, Santa Barbara CA
'God is Good' was a favorite greeting of Timothy Project's founder Don Church
as you can read below (based on "Tracking Those Little Seeds Sown Forty Years Ago" by Scott Armstrong, Ph.D. )
A single shot of the gun sent a dozen men running that hot June day in Bouake, Ivory Coast, in 1972.
A large group of onlookers, sensing the urgency, yelled, pointing, as if the men needed coaxing to keep moving.
The military? Police? Would-be robbers? No, it was the shot signaling the start of the 10,000 meter race in
Bouake's Municipal Stadium.
The event was a track meet featuring Ivorian Olympic hopefuls and equally talented U.S. collegians. But this collegiate team was different. Organized by Wheaton College Coach, Don (Bubba) Church, the primary objective of the trip was to share the love of Jesus Christ with athletes and coaches in the countries we visited. Coach Church recruited athletes from all across the country...Wheaton College, Taylor University, Biola University, Westmont College... but there were also athletes from Stanford University, UCLA, and the University of Maryland.
Coach Church led these trips with the understanding that we "plant the seed," and the "reaping of souls" comes in God's time. One of those tiny seeds came during our stay in Kampala, Uganda. Each morning, the same cab driver picked up the coaches and transported them to the stadium. And each day, as "Bubba" Church entered the cab, he said to the driver, "God is good!" The driver was seemingly unimpressed.
Fast forward to the late 1980s, to Huntington, Indiana. Joe Harding, served as the athletic trainer before becoming Huntington College's Men's Soccer Coach. One year, Joe met an incoming international student, who had just arrived on campus for his freshman year. The young man was from Uganda. Conjuring sweet memories of his trip in 1972, Joe eagerly asked the young man how he became a Christian and ended up at Huntington College. The young Ugandan said that he was raised in a Christian home, and his father had introduced him to Jesus. His father had become a Christian in 1972, when his family lived in Kampala. His father drove a cab. His father had transported a track coach from Wheaton College, named Don Church, to the city's stadium. Each day Coach greeted his father with the simple statement, "God is good." That expression of happiness and satisfaction in the Lord led to his father's conversion, and ultimately to that of his entire family.
Missionaries of the Gospel are some of the most patient persons on this earth. How many have toiled years and years with few converts to show for it? So where is that proof--how do we know our efforts will mean anything? That's easy. The answer is in a very simple statement of testimony: "God is good!"

Donald A. Church

Paul Isihara
Board Member
Professor of mathematics at Wheaton College (IL) serving as Timothy Project Board Chair since 2007.

Yohannes Loulsegued
Advisory Council
International Trade specialist, youth and young adult ministry leader in Los Angeles, CA

Paul Newman
Board Member
CNC Professional,
singles pastor, and business chaplain, Chicago IL

B. Elliott Renfroe
Board Member
Chaplain Westminster Village in Bloomington IL and Board member of Greenville College.