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2 Ways to Donate:

1) SEND A CHECK Please send your tax-deductible contribution addressed to:

​​                              Timothy Project GIG 
                              P.O. Box 480, Wheaton IL 60187

Timothy Project uses 10% of all donations to cover our fiscal agent's overhead fees, credit transaction and other administrative costs, and direct involvement and support of projects by our Board members. 90% of all donations goes directly to the designated project.

Please contact us using the comment form at the bottom of the page if you would like your donation to be used for one of the following projects: 

Hope Center  Bibles&Discipleship      Alula Community Center       Saba's Ministry      Education   IDP Famine Relief

2) GIVE ONLINE Complete and submit the form below. 

Unless specified, online donations will be used where needed most.

Our fiscal agent Faith and Learning International is ECFA accredited.


Specify your donation.

Thanks for submitting!

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