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Thanks be to God for Blessing Steps of Faith in 2024!

2024-25 Major Initatives

Your partnership can bring peace, the Bible, food, clothing and happiness to children and displaced families in dire need. 

2025 is our
40th Anniversary!

In keeping with our mission to share the gospel and love of Christ with people of diverse cultures, we have established a task force to launch Africa's 1st Bible Printing Press. PrintStar Publishers Ltd will be led by Alice Ruhiu and Rose Kilonzo each with 4 decades of experience serving with United Bible Societies' Africa Publishing Unit.  PrintStar is established as a Special Economic Zone venture in Nairobi, Kenya to overcome escalating Bible prices and long lead times. Our task force serves to help launch Printstar's operations in such a way that all actions and decisions, including use of assets and revenue, should be in accord with God’s will, furthering PrintStar’s mission to provide a Bible for every home as led by the LORD Jesus Christ. We are partnering with Pastor Jonathan Morris and Church Multiplication Coalition International to secure all the Bible Printing equipment, including a web press for high volume printing of Bibles. For more info, please email Dr. Paul Isihara at 

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Timothy Project has a long history  of involvement with the Hope Center. Two of our board members in training lived in the Hope center when it was an orphange.  Damaged during the horrific 2 year civil war, the Hope Center is now being rehabbed for use as a residential trauma/drug rehabilitation healing center. God has provided $50,000 to relaunch the center! Sponsors will be needed once residents are admitted. Many are waiting to receive treatment. Please contact Pastor Paul (630)209-5637 for more info


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In April 2023, we received a $23,300 grant for Emergency School Kits. We used this grant to deliver 100 blackboards, 6000 pencils and notebooks to the Embasneyti school district with 6000 children. An official was moved to make land available to our Board member Tesfai for a new community center to meet the immediate needs of the community including classrooms, library, recreation, trauma healing and drug counseling. Tesfai plans to lead an exploratory team to Nebelet in November 2024 to determine the best pilot project. Fund-raising is well underway. Please contact Tesfai (630)698-5611 for more info


Distribution &Disciple


In partnership with Pastor Temesgen, we plan to continue distributing hundreds of new Tigrinya language Bibles to individuals, small groups, and churches and hold disciple making ministry (DMM) trainings. Please contact Dr. Paul (630) 885-8627 for more info

Saba's Mission

In 2023, Advisory Council Saba Tewolde responded to God's call, left everything, and spent half a year in Tigray to do His will in a wide range of ministries.   Saba has helped connect us with a number of projects including Abraham's Oasis (nurturing abandoned babies and economic empowerment of single mothers) and Elnabi Holistic Ministries (autistic children) Please contact Saba  (805) 705-2216 for more info.


Life Support
for IDPs

In August 2023, God led us to a community of  internally displaced people (IDP) living in a school in Nebelet built by a friend of our Board member Tesfai Abay. Since then we have been provided flour/corn for their subsistence and hope with God's help  to continue our support for their holistic needs until they are able to  return to their homes in western Tigray. Pray for peace to be restored in Western Tigray! Please contact Dr. Paul (630)885-8627 for more info

Contact us:

text: 630-885-8627



Send Support:

Check Payable to Timothy Project GiG

P.O. BOX 480 WHEATON, IL 60187

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Our fiscal agent

Faith and Learning International

is ECFA Accredited

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